KU Combinatorics Seminar
Spring 2009

The KU Combinatorics Seminar meets on Wednesdays, 3:00--4:00 PM in Snow 408.

Please contact Jeremy Martin if you are interested in speaking.

Suggested topics for talks

This is a list of topics proposed at the organizational meeting on January 21.

Papers we'd like to understand:
  1. T. Chow, "You could have invented spectral sequences," Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 53 (2006), no. 1, 15--19.
  2. J. Herzog, T. Hibi and N. V. Trung, "Standard graded vertex cover algebras, cycles and leaves," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 12, 6231--6249.
  3. W. Kook, V. Reiner and D. Stanton, "Combinatorial Laplacians of matroid complexes," J. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 (2000), no. 1, 129--148.
  4. J. Stembridge, "Coxeter cones and their $h$-vectors," Adv. Math. 217 (2008), no. 5, 1935--1961.

Schedule of talks

Combinatorics seminars from previous semesters

Jeremy Martin's home page

Last updated Tue 4/29/09