Math 996 (Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics), Fall 2008
Section 42820
Basic Information |
Course Resources |
Final project information is now
available. I'll update the list whenever someone tells me which
article they want to read.
Basic Information
- Instructor:
Jeremy Martin

541 Snow, 864-7114
- Syllabus (8/21/08)
- Meeting times:
TTh, 11:00-12:15 PM, 408 Snow
- Office hours: By appointment (or just walk in)
- Prerequisite: Math 791 or the equivalent. Some knowledge
of combinatorics (e.g., Math 724 or better yet my
796 course from Spring 2008) will be
helpful, but I'll try to make this course as self-contained as possible.
- Books:
- Anders Björner and Francesco Brenti, Combinatorics of
Coxeter Groups (Springer GTM 231, 2005). [The official course text.
We'll cover chapters 1 and 2 and some subset of 3, 4, 7, and 8.]
KU students can read
the book online (this link may not work off campus, or may require
you to sign in with your KUID).
- James Humphreys, Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups
(Cambridge, 1990). [The standard textbook on Coxeter groups, with a
less combinatorial and more geometric approach than Björner and
Brenti's book.]
- Richard Stanley, Enumerative Combinatorics, volumes 1 and 2
(Cambridge, 1997/1999). [The canonical reference for all things combinatorial.]
Course Resources
Mathematics links
Mathematical and technical writing information
KU links
Outside KU

Last updated Fri 12/5/08