Math 725 (Graph Theory)
Spring 2016
Information about the end-of-semester project is now
available (3/30/16).
General Information
- Meeting times: Tue/Thu, 11:00am-12:15pm, 564 Snow
- Syllabus
- Instructor: Prof. Jeremy L. Martin (you can call me "Jeremy")
- E-mail: my first and middle initials and my last name at ku dot edu (the best way to contact me)
- Office hours: Wed 2-4pm, 618 Snow, 864-7114
- KU course number: 66161
- Textbook:
Graph Theory by
Reinhard Diestel (Springer GTM; available at low cost in several
electronic editions from author's website).
I will supplement the text with my own lecture notes.
- Prerequisite: Math 290 and one mathematics course numbered
450 or above. You should be comfortable with reading and
doing proofs. Math 724 (Enumerative Combinatorics) and/or programming experience is helpful, but not
Lecture Notes
Lecture notes (PDF). Last updated 4/27/16. Contents:
- The Basics
- Counting Spanning Trees
- Matchings
- Connectivity, Cuts and Flows
- Coloring
- Planarity
- The Tutte Polynomial
- Ramsey theory; random graphs (in progress)
Important Dates
- Tue 1/19: First day of classes
- Fri 1/29: First problem set due
- Mon 2/8: Last day to drop
- Tue 3/15: No class (Spring Break)
- Thu 3/17: No class (Spring Break)
- Mon 4/18: Last day to withdraw
- Thu 5/5: Last day of classes
- Thu 5/12: Final exam (10:30am-1:00pm, 564 Snow)
Problem Sets
Problem sets will be assigned approximately every two weeks, at least one week in advance of the deadline.
Typically, the deadline will be Friday at 5pm. To submit each problem set, e-mail me the PDF file under the name
{your-last-name}{number-of-problem-set}.pdf (e.g., "Tutte5.pdf").
All solutions must be typeset using LaTeX. You are encouraged to use
the Math 725 header file; see below for additional resources.
Solution sets are available to enrolled students via the Blackboard page.
Independent Research Project
The assignment (3/30/16)
KU links
Math links

Last updated Wed 4/27/16