Math 724 (Enumerative Combinatorics)
Fall 2017
General Information |
Schedule |
Homework Assignments |
Take-Home Tests |
General Information
- Meeting times: MWF, 10:00-10:50 AM, 564 Snow
- KU course line number: 25798
- Syllabus (version of 8/21/17)
- Instructor:
Prof. Jeremy Martin

618 Snow, 864-7114
(The best way to contact me: send me e-mail!)
- Textbook:
Combinatorics Through Guided
Discovery by Kenneth Bogart. Available free online; you can also buy a bound version at Jayhawk Ink in the Kansas Union for about $10.
(Please do not print out a hard copy at the Mathematics Department.)
Note: There are a couple different versions of Bogart's book
available from his website. All appear to have the same content and
problem numbers, but different pagination. I am using the version dated
November 6, 2004.
- My clarifications and corrections to Bogart available here (last update: 8/30/17)
- Office hours: Wednesdays, 11am-12pm and 3pm-4pm, or by appointment
- Prerequisites: Math 290 plus a course numbered 450 or higher. Math 558 is recommended but not required.
- All information on the schedule is subject to change. I do not expect to change any of the
due dates of assignments, but the list of in-class problems will almost certainly evolve over the semester depending on pace.
- Colors on the spreadsheet indicate topics of each homework assignment (and make things look a bit more festive).
Homework Assignments
Write up all solutions using LaTeX.
You may use books and notes, and you are allowed (in fact, encouraged) to collaborate.
Each student should write up his or her own solutions and clearly acknowledge all collaborators.
All assignments are subject to change until one week before the due date.
Take-Home Tests
Write up all solutions using LaTeX.
You may use books and notes, but you are not allowed to collaborate ---
you may not consult any human other than the instructor.
KU links
- Main Sage website
- CoCalc (formerly Sage Cloud; free online Sage computing environment)
- A Sage vignette [LaTeX | PDF]; relevant to HW #4
- Python (the programming language on which Sage is based)

Last updated Mon 12/4/17