Math 410 (Mathematics History for Secondary and Middle School Teachers)
Spring 2009
Basic Information |
Homework Problems |
Class Notes |
Final Exam |
Basic Information
All students enrolled in Math 410 should also be enrolled simultaneously in
Math 409 (Geometry for Secondary and Middle
- KU course line number: 76675
- Instructor:
Prof. Jeremy Martin

541 Snow, 864-7114
- Office hours: Monday 1--2, Thursday 11--12, or by appointment
- Syllabus
- Meeting times: Wednesday, 1:00-1:50 PM, 152 Snow
- Prerequisites: Math 122
- Textbooks: A variety of online resources
Homework Problems
Here is the complete list of homework problems.
I will add problems to the list as the semester progresses.
- Homework #1 (due Wednesday, January 28): Problems 1, 2, 3
- Homework #2 (due Wednesday, February 4): Problems 4, 5
- Homework #3 (due Wednesday, February 11): Problems 6, 7
- Homework #4 (due Wednesday, February 18): Problems 8, 9
- Homework #5 (due Wednesday, February 25): Problems 10, 11 (extra credit: 12)
- Homework #6 (due Wednesday, March 4): Problem 13
- Homework #7 (due Wednesday, March 11): Problem 14
- Homework #8 (due Wednesday, April 1): Problem 15
- Homework #9 (due Wednesday, April 8): Problem 16
- Homework #10 (due Wednesday, April 15): Problems 17, 18
- Homework #11 (due Wednesday, April 22): Problem 19
Class Notes
- Ancient Babylonian and Egyptian geometry (1/21/09)
- Greek mathematics through Pythagoras (1/28/09)
- The circumference of the earth (2/4/09)
- Prime numbers (2/11/09)
- Three classical geometry problems (2/18/09)
- The origins of graph theory (3/25/09)
- The Four-Color Theorem (4/1/09)
- Infinity (4/8/09)
- Cantor's diagonal argument (4/15/09)
Sources for the material in these notes include:
- David Burton, Burton's History of Mathematics: An Introduction,
3rd edn., Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1991.
- The extensive online MacTutor History of
- Prof. Judy Roitman's notes from previous incarnations of Math 410
Final Exam
Here's the final exam for Math 410.
The exam is a take-home project consisting of a set of questions
on topics we didn't have time to cover in class. You may use any written
source (notes, books, or reliable Web source). You may not ask any person
any question (this includes other students, librarians, etc.) --- you should
do your own research to find the answers.
Answers are due on Tuesday, May 12 at 1:00 PM (the time that the
written final exam would end if we were having a written final exam). Turn in
your solutions to Prof. Martin's office, Snow 541.
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Last updated Fri 4/24/09