Math 290 (Elementary Linear Algebra)
Section 28301 (Martin)
Fall 2006

Essentials | Homework | Tests | Links

Post-Semester Information

As of Saturday 12/16/06, final letter grades have been posted on Enroll & Pay. You can e-mail the instructor for more detailed information.


Syllabus [PDF]
Lectures: TR 11:00--11:50 AM, 1003 Malott Hall
Instructor: Jeremy Martin,
Office: 541 Snow Hall
KU course line number: 28301
Textbook: R. Larson, B. Edwards and D. Falvo, Elementary Linear Algebra, 5th edition (Hougton Mifflin, 2004)


Homework is due at noon every Thursday (including test days, but not including fall break or Thanksgiving). You can hand in homework in class, bring it to my mailbox in the Math Department offices, 405 Snow, or bring it to my office, 541 Snow (leave it in the wall box or slip it under my door if I am not around). Late homework will not be accepted.


There will be three in-class tests on September 7, October 10, and November 9. The final exam will be Thursday, December 14, 10:30 AM -- 1:00 PM, in 3092 Malott. If you know that you will be out of town on one of these dates, you must inform the instructor in advance to arrange a makeup exam.

Test #1 (September 7) covered material through Section 2.2 of the textbook. The average score was 79/100 (over 42 students). The median was 80/100.

Test #2 (October 10) covered material through Section 4.1 of the textbook. The average score was 109/140 (77.6%). The median was 107/140 (76.4%).

Test #3 (November 9) covered material through Section 4.6 of the textbook. The average score was 120/150 (80%). The median was 124/150 (82.7%).


Last updated Mon 12/18/06 2:00 PM