The Happy Club
- Summary of Opening Bids
- General Agreements
- The 1C Opening
- The 1D Opening
- The 1H and 1S Openings
- The 1NT Opening
- The 2C Opening
- Preemptive Openings
- Opponents Open One of a Suit
- Opponents Open 1NT
- Opponents Preempt
- Opponents Open an Artificial Bid
- Slam Conventions
- Carding Agreements
- Hand Evaluation
- Glossary and Abbreviations
Summary Of Opening Bids
- 1C: Strong (16+), artificial and forcing
- 1D: Natural, 11-15, 4+ diamonds, no 5-card major
- 1H: Natural, 11-15, 5+ hearts or [4414]
- 1S: Natural, 11-15, 5+ spades
- 1NT: Natural, 12-15, no 5-card major
- 2C: Natural, 11-15, 6+ clubs or 5 clubs with a 4-card major; typically unbalanced
- 2D, 2H, 2S: Bailey Twos
- 2NT: Natural, 20-21, possible 5-card major
The 1C Opening
This bid shows either 16-19 or 22+ balanced, or an unbalanced hand with 16+ HCP or 8+ tricks. 1D is an artificial negative; other responses are mostly natural positives and are forcing to game. The schedule of responses is as follows:
- 1D: The negative response - 0-8 HCP. Opener clarifies his strong club via his
- 1H,1S,2C,2D: Natural, around 16-21 points, not forcing. The auction
proceeds as though that had been the opening bid.
- 2S,3C,3D: The equivalent of an opening strong two - forcing. How do we
show a second negative?
- 2H: Kokish, forcing responder to bid 2S, after which 2NT is forcing, showing
24+ balanced, and any other bid shows a strong two in hearts (in particular, 4NT is RKC
for hearts).
- 1NT: 16-19 balanced. Could there be a 5-card major?
- 2NT: 22-23 balanced. Could there be a 5-card major?
After the notrump rebids (including the Kokish sequence), we use Puppet Stayman, transfers, and Minor-Suit Stayman.
- 1H/1S: Natural, 9+ HCP, 5+ cards in bid suit. Further bidding is natural
except that a raise to two of the major asks for trump quality, with these responses:
- 1NT: 9-14 HCP, balanced. Thereafter:
- 2C is something like Crowhurst, asking for information on shape and strength.
Responses are as follows:
- 2D: 9-11 HCP, 4 hearts
- 2H: 9-11 HCP, 4 spades
- 2S: 9-11 HCP, no 4-card major
- 2NT: 12-14 HCP, no 4-card major
- 3C: 12-14 HCP, 4 hearts
- 3D: 12-14 HCP, 4 spades
- 2D, 2H and 2S are natural; 2NT shows clubs.
- 2C/2D: Natural, 9+ HCP, 5+ cards in bid suit
- 2NT: 15+, balanced
If the opponents interfere with our strong club,...................
General Agreements
As of 2/20/00, this section is basically identical to the corresponding section in the Standard Happy system notes, except that the section on reverses has been deleted
General Agreements- Uncontested Auctions
Fourth Suit Forcing
A fourth-suit bid is artificial and game-forcing (with one exception; see
below), and expresses doubt about strain. Opener should make a descriptive
bid, such as rebidding a long suit, bidding NT with a stopper in the fourth
suit, or preference to responder's first suit with three-card support.
Opener may raise the fourth suit with four cards.
The one exception is the auction 1 : 1 :: 1 : 1. Opener should treat the 1 bid as natural and forcing for one round only.
Splinters are typically double jump-shifts after an opening bid, promising four-card support, a singleton or void in the suit bid, and game-forcing strength.
2/1 Auctions
A 2/1 response by an unpassed hand is game-forcing, with one exception, the auction 1 : 2. Because of the huge number of possible auctions, most of which are fairly natural, we have few specific
agreements but many general rules:
- Responder should keep in mind that opener does not have a balanced
10-13 HCP (he would have opened 1NT).
- Jumps are picture-bids showing very specific hands- we do not jump
without a very good reason! Generally, jumps to game deny any first- or
second-round controls in unbid suits. Jumps below game show significant
extra strength. Jumps in new suits tend to be splinter raises in partner's
last bid suit.
- Rebidding your own suit is the catchall bid. It doesn't promise
extra length; it just denies any other descriptive bid. (In the worst-case
scenario, one might rebid 2 after 1 : 2 with [4441] and
major-suit holdings unsuitable to bid 2NT.) Thereafter:
- Simple raise shows exactly three-card support.
- Jump-raise to game denies any controls in unbid suits.
- Jump in a new suit is a splinter raise with three-card
- Other bids are natural.
- New suit is natural. If a reverse, it shows extra strength
(at least a king more than a minimum). If at the 3-level, it shows two
good 5-card suits. Thereafter:
- Raise guarantees four cards.
- Preference to opener's first suit shows exactly three-card
- Fourth suit may be artificial
- 2NT shows 14-17 balanced;3NT shows 18-19 balanced.
Continuations are natural (4 is Gerber).
- Raise shows primary support- Hxx or xxxx. Continuations are
- Jump-rebidding your suit shows a solid suit- the only honor
you are allowed to lack is the ace (to facilitate counting tricks). A
jump to game denies any controls in unbid suits.
- Jump raise to game denies any controls in unbid suits.
- Jump raise to four of a minor shows extreme distribution.
- 4NT is straight Blackwood.
General Agreements- Contested Auctions
The following agreements apply in all auctions where we open one of a suit
and the opponents have the chutzpah to butt in.
In competitive auctions, all jump raises are preemptive and all jump shifts are fit bids, promising four-card support for partner's last bid suit and the values for whatever level the bid is at.
Opponents Make A Suit Overcall
- Jump raises are always preemptive in competition. Jump shifts are fit-showing
- Negative Doubles. If the opponents make a suit overcall through 3, a double by responder is negative, showing 6+ HCP at the one- or two-level and 9+
at the three-level. In addition, doubler promises four cards in an unbid major (or 4-4 if
the overcall was 1), or 4-4 in both unbid minors. As a corollary,
freely bidding a major over an overcall of 1 or higher promises a
five-card or longer suit.
- Support Doubles. Opener's double of a sandwich suit overcall through 2, as in the auction 1 (P) 1 (1) : X, shows exactly three-card support for responder's
suit. Thus a raise guarantees four trumps and other bids (besides a cue-bid) generally
deny as many as three. Support doubles also apply after an overcall, new-suit response,
and raise, e.g.: 1 (1) 1 (2) : X.
- Cue-bids tend to show at least three-card support for partner's last bid
or implied suit, and at least limit raise strength. Jump cue-bids are splinter raises.
- Unusual vs. Unusual. If the opponents make a two-suited
overcall, the cheaper cue-bid shows a limit raise or better and the expensive cue-bid is a
forcing bid in the unbid suit. As a corollary, a raise shows only single-raise strength
and bidding the unbid suit is to play. For instance, after 1
(2NT) [minors],
- 3: Limit raise or better in hearts
- 3: Spades, forcing
- 3: Natural, nonforcing
- 3: Natural, nonforcing
- Double: Strength equivalent to a negative double, and at
least four cards in one of their suits, starting a
head-hunting auction.
- Pass, then double later: Three trumps
3NT is always to play. A jump in one of overcaller's suits is presumably a splinter raise.
Opponents Make A Takeout Double
If the opponents make a takeout double of our one-of-a-suit opening, we have the following agreements:
- New suit at the 1-level is forcing.
- New suit at the 2-level is non-forcing.
- 2NT is Jordan, showing a 4-card limit raise or better.
- Redouble of a direct double, or a sandwich double of a 2/1 is
business, showing 10^+ HCP and implying no fit.
- Redouble of a sandwich double of a 1/1 shows exactly three-card
support. (Thus a raise guarantees four trumps and other bids tend to
deny as many as three.)
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The 1D Opening Bid
This is natural, showing 11-15 points, 4+ diamonds, and no 5-card major. Responses are pretty much natural, but there are some gadgets:
- 1H is natural, 4+ hearts, forcing. Opener's rebids are as follows:
- 1S: Natural
- 1NT: Natural, promising 2 or 3 hearts
- 2C: Natural, with 4-5, 5-4 or longer in the minors
- 2D: Natural, usually 6+ diamonds
- 2H: Natural, usually 4 hearts
- 2S: ??
- 2NT: Natural, maximum, solid diamond suit and tenaces
- 3C: ??
- 3D: Natural, maximum, solid diamond suit and hard values outside
- 3H: Natural, maximum, 4 hearts for sure
- 1S is natural, 4+ spades, forcing. Opener's rebids are as follows:
- 1NT: Natural, promising 2 or 3 spades
- 2C: Natural, with 4-5, 5-4 or longer in the minors
- 2D: Natural, usually 6+ diamonds
- 2H: 3-trump raise
- 2S: 4-trump raise
- 2NT: Natural, maximum, solid diamond suit and tenaces
- 3C: ??
- 3D: Natural, maximum, solid diamond suit and hard values outside
- 3H: Maximum with 3 spades??
- 3S: Natural, maximum, 4 spades
- 1NT is natural, 8-9. ????
- 2D is a forcing raise, 10+ points, 4+ diamonds, no 4-card major. Continuations???
- 2M is a Soloway jump-shift.
- 2NT is invitational, 10-11. ????
- 3C is ??
- 3D is preemptive.
- 3M is a splinter.
- 3NT is a demand to see what the hell you opened on this time.
The 1H and 1S Opening Bids
An opening bid of 1 or 1 promises a five-card suit 99% of the time. The only exception is that we open 1H (with fingers crossed) holding [4414].
- 1S over 1H is the usual: natural and forcing. A 1NT rebid by opener guarantees two or
three spades.
- 2/1 responses are game forcing.
- 1NT is forcing by an unpassed hand, semi-forcing by a passed hand. Opener should
rebid descriptively, inventing a three-card minor if need be. A 2S rebid shows the [4414]
hand; jump-shifts show two good five-card suits. Responder's continuations are:
- Pass is always an option; however, if opener's rebid was 2 or 2 then responder should have at least five trumps.
- New suit is to play, with one exception: the auction 1 : 1NT :: 2m : 2 cannot be natural, as responder has
denied four spades. Therefore, it indicates a good raise of opener's minor, stronger
than bidding 3m.
- Preference to 2M is weak, either a single raise that would
not accept any game try, or a doubleton trump and a mediocre hand (<10 SP).
- 2NT is natural and invitational, around 10-12 balanced.
- Raise is natural and invitational.
- Jump in a new suit is invitational.
- Jump preference to 3M is a three-trump limit raise.
- 3NT is probably a flat 13-14 HCP.
- Jump to game implies a hand that improved after hearing opener's rebid. Or
perhaps it's a three-card strength with game-forcing strength but lacking controls.
- 2M shows three trumps in a semi-balanced or balanced hand (rarely four trumps in a
flat hand), and about 7-9 SP- a hand that would accept at least one game try. Opener has a
number of ways of doing that:
- 2M+1 is a short-suit game try. Responder must bid 2M+2,
whereupon opener bids his singleton: 2M+3 = , 2M+3 = , 3M = other major.
- 2M+2, 2M+3, 2M+4 are help-suit game tries in clubs,
diamonds and the other major, respectively. Responder should upgrade
honors in the bid suit and tentatively downgrade minor honors in other
side suits. KJx is a good example of a help-suit game try; xxx isn't.???.
- 3M is what they call momma-poppa: "Do you have a maximum?"
- 2M+1 shows four or more trumps and limit raise strength or
better, at least 10 SP. Opener's rebids resemble responses to a Jacoby 2NT:
- 2M+2, 2M+3, 2M+4 show singletons in clubs, diamonds and the
other major, respectively.
- 3M shows a minimum hand, one which would not wish to play
in game opposite a bare limit raise. Responder, of course, may
continue with extra strength.
- 3NT is a general slam try, probably at least 16 SP.
- New suit between 3M and 4M is natural, 5-5.
- 4M is an attempt at signing off.
- 2M+2 is a "mini-splinter": 10-12 SP including a singleton. This bid can be made
on three trumps. Opener's response shows the cheapest singleton opposite which he is
willing to play in game: 2M+3 = , 2M+4 = , 3M = OM. After a response of 2M+3, responder can bid 2M+4 with a diamond
singleton and 3M with a singleton in the other major.
- 2M+3 shows a Soloway jump-shift hand. Opener should relay with 2M+4, after which
- 3NT shows a balanced 17-19 HCP
- New suit shows a solid suit and sets trumps. Jumping in a new suit
denies an outside ace or king.
- 3M shows four-card support for opener's major (which is set as trumps) and
an excellent suit of one's own. Opener now has further machinery to use:
- 3M+1 asks for responder's side suit (3M+2 = ,
3M+3 = , 3M+4 = OM)
- 3M+2, 3M+3, 3M+4 are Q-bids in clubs, diamonds and the other major,
- 4M shows a hand opener wished he hadn't opened
- 4NT is RKCB (duh).
- 2M+4 shows either a "game splinter" (13-15 SP including a
singleton) or a preemptive raise to 3M. Opener must bid 3M, after which
responder passes with the preemptive raise or shows his singleton (3M+1 =
, 3M+2 = , 3M+3 = OM).
- 3M shows a mixed raise: four trumps, 7-9 SP.
- 3NT is Bergen: 13-15 HCP and three trumps in a flat hand.
- New suit between 3M and 4M is a "full splinter": 16-18 HCP
with a singleton in the bid suit.
- 4M is to play.
- 4NT asks for aces; it's not RKCB as no suit has been agreed.
In competition, this nonsense is off. See the competitive bidding section.
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The 1NT Opening Bid
The 1NT opening shows 12-15 HCP and a balanced hand with no five-card major. Exceptionally, opener may have a singleton king or queen somewhere.
Responses are as follows:
- 2C: Scrambling Stayman. Responder might be running from 1NT, or he might have a
decent hand. This bid is automatic with 4-4 in the majors. Opener should bid 4-card suits
up the line, or bids 2D [?????] with [3334] or (233)5. The object is to find a seven-card
or better fit at the two-level. If opener bids a four-card major, 2NT and 3M are
invitational (10-11), 4M is drop-dead, and a jump-shift is a splinter.
- 2D: Game-forcing Stayman, 12+. Responses are reversed:
- 2H: Four spades, possibly four hearts
- 2S: Four hearts, fewer than four spades
- 2NT: No 4-card major
- 3C: 5 reasonable clubs, no 4-card major
- 2M,3m: To play.
- 2NT: Invitational (10-11).
- 3M: 5-5 minors with shortness in bid suit.
- 4C: Gerber.
- 4D: Pick a major suit game.
The 2C Opening Bid
This shows at least 5 clubs; if only 5 clubs are held then opener will also have a four-card major. The hand is usually unbalanced but presumably could be (332)6 or [42]25 with an aversion to opening 1NT.
Responses are as follows:
- 2D: Artificial Stayman inquiry. Opener bids a 4-card major up the line or bids
2NT or 3C without one, whereupon...??
- 2M: To play.
- 2NT: Invitational.
- 3C: Natural raise.
- 3D: To play.
- 3M: Natural, forcing, good 6-card suit
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Preemptive Openings
Bailey Two-Bids
An opening bid of 2, 2 or 2 is aBailey Two- a disciplined weak two promising the following:
- 5-6 cards in the bid suit. If only five, they must be headed by
the queen or better.
- 2-3 cards in any unbid major.
- 1-4 cards in any unbid minor.
- No more than nine cards in any two suits.
- 8-10 HCP if nine cards in the two longest suits; 9-11 HCP if eight
cards in the two longest suits.
Responder acts as follows:
- Non-jump new suits are non-forcing.
- Jump shifts below game are natural and game forcing.
- Jumps to game are to play.
- In an uncontested auction, a raise is invitational (3+ trumps
and about 15-16 support points).
- In a contested auction, a raise is competitive. However,
responder should have roughly a weak notrump so that opener can double
for penalty if he sees fit (no pun intended).
- 4NT is plain old Blackwood.
- 2NT after 2 is natural and invitational.
- 2NT after 2/ is artificial and
asks opener to bid his longer minor (or 3 if equal). The 2NT
response can be made on several hand types, distinguished by responder's rebid. Except
for the first of these, bidding 2NT as a prelude to a game force tends to express some
doubt about the right strain (compared to, e.g., an immediate jump-shift.)
- Pass with a weak minor two-suiter.
- New suit is natural and game-forcing. Opener should support
if possible, else bid out his shape
- 3NT expresses doubt about the right game, which generally
means a doubleton in opener's suit; opener is allowed to correct.
- 3 of opener's major shows exactly two-card support and is
forcing. Opener should bid out his shape. If responder's third bid is
4NT, it is RKC for opener's suit.
- 4NT is natural and invitational to 6NT (about 23 HCP).
Three-Level and Higher Preempts
All suit openings at the 3- or 4-level, as well as 5 and 5, are preemptive. Our preempting style is aggressive and, for the moment, undisciplined. All we have agreed is that a new suit is forcing.
The 3NT Opening
An opening 3NT bid in first, second or third seat promises a long solid
minor, at least AKQ-seventh or AK-eighth, and no stopper outside. Responses
are defined as follows:
- Pass: Three suits stopped
- All bids: Pass or correct
- 4/: To play
- 4NT: "Bid a slam with an 8-card suit."
- 5NT: "Pick a slam."
A fourth-seat 3NT opening is to play and is user-defined.
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Opponents Open One Of A Suit
Suit Overcalls
Simple Overcall at the One-Level
Our one-level overcall style is heavily influenced by Mike Lawrence. Range is roughly 7-17 non-vulnerable, 9-17 vulnerable. Most of our overcalls are based on five-card suits (which can be crappy if the rest of the hand qualifies), but we have no problem overcalling on good four-card suits with length in the enemy suit.
Advancing the Overcall
Advancer has many options, as the overcall only defines a suit:
- Pass denies the values to act.
- Simple raise is semi-constructive, showing 4^+-10 SP. We
strive to raise as often as possible.
- Jump raise below game is preemptive.
- Jump raise to game is to play; usually preemptive.
- New suit is constructive but non-forcing.
- Jump in a new suit is fit-showing. A good hand with a good
suit lacking support starts with a cuebid. Double jumps are not
splinters, but fit-jumps with greater offensive support.
- 1NT shows 7-11 HCP and usually a stopper in the enemy suit.
- 2NT is natural and invitational, typically 12-14 HCP and
a stopper.
- 3NT is to play.
- Cuebid shows either a non-distributional limit raise or a
hand with opening bid values.
- Jump cuebid is a limit raise or better with a singleton or void.
In competition, free bids carry the same meaning as if responder had passed. In addition,
- Double of a raise is responsive, showing values and no
- Other doubles are for penalties.
- Cuebid of a new suit isnatural, promising 5 good
- Redouble means you like blue better than green.
Rebids by the Overcaller
The overcaller's rebid varies widely according to advancer's action. While this section is by no means comprehensive, here are some situations where overcaller's rebid may have hidden implications:
- Advancer makes a simple raise: For simplicity, we rebid as
if overcaller had opened the bidding and opener had overcalled.
Therefore, a new suit is a help-suit game try, etc.
- Advancer cuebids A simple rebid of the overcalled suit always promises minimum values. A new suit below the overcalled suit is natural and says nothing
about strength. All other rebids promise an opening hand and are descriptive. A cuebid in response to a cue shows a partial stopper (Jxx, Qx) and lets advancer bid NT with another partial stopper.
- Advancer jump-cuebids Since a jump cuebid shows a distributional limit raise, returning to three of the trump suit is to play. If the agreed suit is a minor, a rebid of 3NT is to play. If the agreed suit is a major, 3NT is a Mathe asking bid: responses show the singleton. With a spade singleton and hearts agreed, rebid 4.
Further Rebids
Most auctions are straightforward given this framework. Note if advancer
cuebids and then bids a new suit, this is forcing to the four-level as the
balanced limit-raise cuebids give support at the next turn. Also, see our
section on forcing passes in competition.
Simple Two-Level Overcalls
All two-level overcalls promise at least 5 cards, probably 6 (especially in a
minor), and a good suit. A two-level overcall also promises significant
values: 12+ HCP, maybe less with compensating distributional shape.
Advances after a two-level overcall are the same: fit-showing jumps,
invitational-plus cuebids, and new suits non-forcing. If a new suit is bid
at the three-level, it should be missing at most one top honor and provide at
least six tricks opposite a singleton and good breaks.
Jump Overcalls
Our jump overcalls are weak and slightly aggressive. We will usually have at
least 6 cards for a single jump overcall and 7 cards for a double jump,
except at favorable, where we will regularly jump overcall with a card less.
We tend to have our strength in our suit, with at most 1 QT outside.
Finally, we will strive to be within 2 tricks of our contract vulnerable.
Jumps to game are to play. Opposite a passed hand, they may contain
significant outside values and be bidding game as a tactical manuever.
[Melucci's Law: 4 is the best preempt in the game.]
Advancing Jump Overcalls
Advancer pretends partner made the analogous opening bid and
bids as if opener had not opened except that new suits should be
Notrump Overcalls
Most notrump overcalls over the opponents' one-of-a-suit opening show
two-suited hands. The exceptions are notrump overcalls in the balancing
seat or bids of 3NT.
The 1NT Overcall
Instead of the standard 15-18 balanced, we use a direct 1NT overcall to show
exactly 4 cards in the highest unbid suit and 5 or more cards in the lowest
unbid suit, with less than an opening hand. With 15-18 balanced, we either
double and rebid NT or pass with length in the enemy suit.
The general principle to remember is that all advances to a suit shown by a
two-suited overcall are to play. Also, both notrump and the opening suit are
"cuebids". Cuebid of the opening suit is similar to a cuebid advance of a
simple overcall, while 2NT shows strength (12+ HCP) and demands information
about the shape of opener's hand.
In competition, a double uses the stolen-bid principle and redouble shows
9+ HCP and stoppers. The ignore-competition principle governs all free
For example, after (1) : 1NT : (P):
- All bids: Pass or correct
- All bids: Natural
- All bids: To play
- 2: 4+ spades, invitational values
- 2NT: 12+ HCP, asks for opener's size and shape
- 3: Heart splinter, spade support
- 3NT: To play
After (1) : 1NT : (2):
- Double: Natural (i.e., "I would have bid 2")
- Pass: No known fit
- Other: As above
Most of the time, overcaller passes the rebid, with a few exceptions:
- After advancer cuebids opener's suit: Rebid the major with a
minimum. All other bids show a maximum and are descriptive. A rebid of
NT confirms a stopper, denies a void, and offers 3NT as a place to play.
- After advancer "raises" notrump: Rebid the minor with a
minimum hand. With a maximum, bid hearts to show clubs or bid spades to
show diamonds. Overcaller can also bid 3NT with a semi-balanced maximum
and a stopper in opener's suit.
In competition, "Stolen bid" and "ignore competition" principles apply.
A redouble shows a maximum and at least a partial stopper.
Unusual Notrump Overcalls
We play jump notrump overcalls to 2NT and 4NT over an opponent's
one-of-a-suit bid as unusual, showing the lowest two unbid suits.
The 2NT bid promises 5-5 shape (as we are going to be outbid unless we can
count on partner for 5 cards in each suit) and the 4NT bid 6-6 or better. The
point range is either weak (0-12) or strong (17+). We also require an
average SQ of 7.5, adjustable based on the vulnerability.
4NT by advancer is straight Blackwood. A cuebid is a try for game or slam try; overcaller should rebid the cheapest shown suit with a minimum and make any other bid with a maximum. All other bids are to play.
Advancer is captain of the auction. After an attempted sign-off, bidding a known suit only promises extra length; weird-sounding actions (cue-bid, further notrump bid, double or redouble) indicate one of the 17+ hands.
Balancing NT Overcalls
In balancing seat, we use a more standard interpretation for 1NT.
- After one of a minor has been followed by two passes, 1NT
shows 11-14, balanced.
- After one of a major has been followed by two passes, 1NT
shows 11-16, balanced.
All advances are natural. 2 is clubs, 2NT is invitational. A jump shift is undefined.
A balancing 2NT overcall isnatural, showing 18-20 HCP, unless
the hand is a passed hand, in which case it is for the minors. All
advances are natural and non-forcing.
In sandwich seat, 1NT shows at least four cards in the unbid suits - usually
(54xx) - and 7-11 HCP.
The meaning of a sandwich 2NT depends on whether a sandwich 1NT overcall is
available. If it is, then 2NT shows at least 6-5 in the unbid suits with no
specific HCP range. Otherwise, 2NT in the sandwich seat is unusual for the
lowest two unbid suits, similar to a direct overcall.
Advances after sandwich NT overcalls are similar to those for direct NT
All overcalls of 3NT over a one-level suit bid, no matter what position, are
to play. It is overcaller's responsibility to know what he is doing.
Generally, this shows around 8.5 playing tricks with a stopper in the
enemy suit. (See the Jump Cuebid below for a corollary situation.)
Advances are natural and non-forcing, with the exception that 4NT is
Scrambling 2NT
After the opponents bid and raise a suit, all 2NT bids by the defensive side
are artificial and "scrambling", showing at least four cards in two of the
three unbid suits. This also applies in response to a takeout double.
Advancer bids four-card suits up-the-line until a fit is found. If no fit is
found, then apply Hamilton's Law ("May God help you!").
Takeout Doubles
Our takeout doubles are pretty standard, showing either
- at least a minimum opener and support (three cards or more) for the
unbid suits (we may occasionally cheat on an unbid minor, but not on a
major); or
- a one-suited hand too strong to overcall, a balanced 16+, or a monster
hand, with which doubler intends to bid a new suit, bid notrump, or cue-bid
regardless of advancer's bid.
Advancer should assume the first hand-type, as we do below. He bids as
- Cheap suit bid shows 0-7 HCP. Doubler should not continue
without at least an ace more than a minimum. If responder has not passed,
then this is a free bid and promises about 5-7 HCP and a genuine suit.
- 1NT shows 7-10 HCP and a stopper.
- Single jump in a suit shows 8-12 HCP.
- 2NT shows 11-12 HCP and a stopper.
- Cue-bid shows either 13+ HCP, game-forcing, or an invitational
hand with both majors. The only way to stop below game after a cue-bid is if
doubler rebids 2M and responder raises to three.
- All double or higher jumps, and all game bids are preemptive, to
- Pass orders doubler to lead a trump.
If advancer bids a suit cheaply, opener rebids his suit, and doubler doubles
again, it shows 16-18 HCP and three-card support for advancer. [E.g.,
(1) X (P) 1 : (2) X.]
With the rare strong hands, doubler can bid a new suit to show roughly that
playing strength, bid 1NT with 16-18 HCP, bid 2NT with 19-20 HCP, or
cue-bid with 21+.
We play Michaels Cuebids, solid-suit jump cuebids, and some
natural cuebids in the sandwich seat.
Simple Cuebids
Simple cuebids in the direct seat are Michaels:
- Cuebid of a minor shows both majors.
- Cuebid of a major shows the unbid major and an unspecified
The point range is either weak (0-12) or strong (17+). We tend to have 5-5, but may have 5-4 nonvulnerable. We also promise good suits, averaging around 7.5 SQ.
In response to a Michaels cuebid, advancer has the following options:
- 2NT after a major-suit cuebid asks for partner's minor.
In competition, 4 or 4NT is used, depending on availability.
- 2NT after a minor-suit cuebid is natural and invitational to
- Re-cue is a game or slam try and is forcing one round. Partner
must rebid the cheapest of his two suits with a weak two-suiter; any
other bid shows the strong two-suiter.
- All other bids are to play.
Rebids by Cuebidder
Most of the time, the cuebidder will cooperate with advancer's request.
However, after an attempted sign-off, bidding a known suit only promises
extra length; weird-sounding actions (cue-bid, further notrump bid, double or
redouble) indicate one of the 17+ hands.
Balancing Cuebids
In the balancing seat, a cuebid by a hand that has not had a previous
opportunity to do so is Michaels, showing 13+ HCP. Weak hands either
overcall in the higher suit and rebid the lower, or pass, declining to let
the opponents find a better strain.
If the balancing hand could have shown the suits earlier, a cuebid is
Sandwich Cuebids
In the sandwich seat, a cuebid of opener's suit is Michaels, with no
point count restrictions. Cuebid of responder's suit is natural.
For example, after (1) : P : (1),
- Double: Opening bid with 4-4 in the round suits or better
- 1NT: [x4x5] and 7-11 HCP
- 2: natural, 5+
- 2: [x5x5], less than an opening bid
- 2: natural, 5+
- 2: natural; 5+ spades, 8+ points
- 2NT: [x 5+ x 6+] (rare)
Jump Cuebids
Whenever partner has not bid, a jump cuebid shows a long, strong suit with
8.5 playing tricks and no stopper in the enemy suit. If opener's suit
is a major, this guarantees a singleton or void in the enemy suit.
Advancer has these options:
- Cheapest NT shows a stopper and less than 1.5 QT.
- Jump in NT shows a stopper and at least 1.5 QT.
- Cheapest minor is artificial and weak.
- Expensive minor is rare, but likely to be artificial and
- Jump in minor is natural.
- All major suit bids are natural.
In competition, advances are based on common sense. Pass with weakness, bid
NT with a stopper, bid cheaper minor with a constructive hand, and double for
Rebids by Cuebidder
Rebids also follow common sense. Any new suit shows the solid suit, and a
4NT rebid is Blackwood.
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Opponents Open 1NT
We keep futzing around with different interference systems, but right now we're using Astro:
- 2: Hearts and a minor
- 2: Spades and another suit
- 2: Natural
- 2: Natural
- 2NT: Minors
- Higher suit bids: Natural
The length promised is 5-5 vulnerable, 5-4 with a singleton nonvulnerable.
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Opponents Preempt
Opponents Open a Weak Two
Our defenses to this common annoyance are pretty standard. A direct 2NT shows 15-18 and a direct 3NT shows 19+. All three-level cue-bids ask partner to bid 3NT with a stopper. We also use Leaping Michaels and Lebensohl after a double:
Leaping Michaels
After a 2M opening, a jump-shift to 4m shows that minor and the other major. 3M asks partner to bid 3NT with a stopper.
After a 2 opening, 4 shows clubs and a major, and 4 shows the majors. 3M is natural, showing a nine-trick hand.
After a direct or balancing double of a weak two, Lebensohl is on:
- 2 of any suit is to play. Doubler should only continue with a
huge hand.
- 3 of any suit is natural and shows a good hand. This is
game-forcing after a direct double. If doubler was balancing on
cheese, he may pass (as advancer is limited by his initial pass).
- 3NT shows complete confidence that this is the right place
(pretty much promising a double stopper).
- Cue-bid is a general force.
- 2NT is a relay to 3, after which advancer may pass with
clubs and a bad hand or:
- 3 of a suit below opener's is to play.
- 3 of a suit above opener's shows invitational strength.
- 3NT expresses more doubt than a direct 3NT, typically
because you don't like your stopper (Qxx, for instance).
Opponents Open at the Three-Level
You're pretty much on your own here, just like the rest of the field.
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Opponents Open An Artificial Bid
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Slam Conventions
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Carding Agreements
Signalling Principles
Our signal hierarchy is attitude first, count second, and suit-preference
third. We use upside-down count and attitude: low encourages or shows an
even number, high discourages or shows an odd number. In suit-preference
situations, the higher spot card indicates the higher-ranking side suit
excluding trump.
All signals should be made to help partner with the defense; they are not
commands. If partner does not need the information, do not signal. Above
all, we trynever to tell declarer anything he needs to know, so do not
expect or give signals in a critical suit for declarer.
Opening Leads
We tend to lead aggressively unless the auction clearly calls for a passive
lead. Since we do not lead trumps without reason, partner must have a good
reason to discontinue a trump attack.
Against suit contracts, we use third and fifth best leads: xxX, xxXx,
xxxxX, xxXxxx. In particular, we lead low from three small unless partner
has bid the suit and we have supported. We lead the ace from ace-king in
general, except when it is doubleton or against a five-level or higher
contract, when the ace asks for attitude and the king for count. Other
leads are standard.
Against notrump contracts, we use standard fourth-best leads. We lead the
top of three small cards unless partner has bid the suit and we have not
supported. From four or more small cards, we lead fourth best if we want
partner to continue the suit, or a high spot if not. Sequence leads are
standard: the lead of an ace asks partner to unblock an honor or give count.
From KQT9, we lead the queen.
If third hand can determine that the opening leader has made an unusual
opening lead (i.e. underlead of an ace at a trump contract, or the deuce from
a five-card suit), this is an "alarm clock signal" and means that third
hand should try to find an unusual defense (usually hitting a void).
Third-Hand Signals
If third hand does not have to play high to attempt to win the trick,
his signals are primarilyattitude, with the following exceptions:
- Third hand holds the QJ and partner leads the Ace. Third hand can
play the Queen to let partner know he can underlead the King.
- Dummy wins the trick and contains another honor higher than leader's
card. With two or more honors of the led suit in dummy, third hand gives
- Partner leads the King against a slam contract. Third hand gives
- Partner leads third hand's suit in which the bidding has shown to be
at least 6 cards. Third hand gives suit preference: high card = higher
suit, low card = lower suit, middle card = continue.
Later Signals
Leads and Returns
After an 3-card or longer honor sequence is led, continuing with the bottom
of the sequence requests partner to unblock and continuing with the next
highest requests partner to hold off.
In general, when a defender switches to a new suit, a high spot card
denies interest in the new suit, while a low spot card shows tolerance for
a return and is fourth-best if possible. Sometimes, though, a defender
has no choice but to lead a particular spot card (i.e. for a surrounding
play) Do not let the size of the card lull you into complacency!
If the defender switches to an honor card, the opening lead structure
applies, except that the K should now be led from the AK.
If a defender ever returns a led suit, he plays his highest card with
one or two cards remaining, and his original fourth-best otherwise. The
first discard from this suit should be the same card that would be returned.
This is the one exception to giving attitude on the first discard.
Following Suit
Whenever a defender peters in trump, it shows an odd number of trumps.
However, like all count signals, they should be used with discretion.
Note that these peters also apply to ruffs and overruffs.
When declarer shows out of a suit, each defender knows the other's exact
holding in that suit. Therefore, all voluntarily played cards in that suit
should be played in suit-preference order.
When declarer plays on a suit that could be missing a key honor, the
defenders should signal the count in that suit. Later rounds of the suit
can be suit-preference. The defense is advised to avoid excessive count
signals as that tends to help declarer more than the defense. (Exception:
if declarer is known to be inattentive, signal whenever possible!)
Our first discard is always attitude, except in the case of a suit led
by partner (see above). In addition, if a defender discards a point card,
he denies the card above it and promises at least a 3-card honor sequence.
We strive to discard immediately from the suit we cannot guard, but common
sense takes precedence as it may be declarer's guess suit.
Subsequent discards in a suit show count based on the present number of
cards held, not the original number.
Also, against notrumps, we tend to make discouraging discards, as using an
encouraging card may throw away a trick.
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Hand Evaluation
We use several different metrics to evaluate hands:
- High-card points (HCP): What you learned from Goren. they are:
A=4, K=3, Q=2, J=1.
- Length points (LP): One for every card past the fourth in a suit.
This might be less if the suit is very empty.
- Points: HCP + LP \pm subjective adjustments for acelessness,
acefulness, honors in long/short suits, presence/absence of good spots. Also
known as "notrump points".
- Short-suit points (SSP): If you're the short trump hand, count 1
for a doubleton, 3 for a singleton, 5 for a void. If you're the long trump
hand, count 1 for a doubleton, 2 for a singleton, 3 for a void.
- Suit points (SP): HCP + LP + SSP.
- Controls: A=2, K=1. Used primarily in responding to a
2 opening bid.
- Quick Tricks (QT): A=1, K=.5, AQ=1.5, AK=2, KQ=1.
- Suit Quality (SQ): Suit length + number of honors. Used
primarily in evaluating suits for actions such as overcalls and preempts.
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Glossary And Abbreviations
Uncontested auctions are notated as follows:
1 : 1 :: 2 : 2NT :: ....
Contested auctions are notated as follows, with the opponents' bids in
1 (X) 1 (2) :: P (2NT) ....
A shape within (parentheses) shows any permutation of the given shape,
while a shape within [brackets] shows exactly one shape. E.g., (4333)
means one four-card suit and three three-card suits; [4333] means four spades
and three of everything else; [44(32)] means either [4432] or [4423].
The following abbreviations are used throughout:
Term |
Definition |
Advancer |
Overcaller's partner |
Balanced |
A (4333), (4432), or (5332) hand |
Cue-Bid |
Bidding the enemy suit |
Controls |
A=2, K=1 |
Flat |
A (4333) hand |
Forcing |
Forcing for one round |
Happy bid |
An overbid |
Honor |
The ace, king, queen or jack of a suit |
Opener |
The person who is first to make a bid |
Overcaller |
The first person to bid for the non-opening side |
Q-Bid |
Control-showing bid |
Quick Tricks |
A=1, K=.5, AQ=1.5, AK=2, KQ=1 |
Responder |
Opener's partner |
Semi-balanced |
A hand without a singleton or void |
Signoff |
A bid which partner must pass |
Suit Quality |
Suit length + number of honors |
Suit |
Spades, hearts, diamonds, or clubs |
To Play |
Natural; expecting (but not requiring) partner to pass |
Top Honor |
The ace, king, or queen of a suit |
Unbalanced |
A hand with at least one singleton or void |
Abbreviation |
Meaning |
M |
Major |
m |
Minor |
OM |
Other Major |
om |
Other Minor |
X |
Double (or any suit when preceded by a number) |
XX |
Redouble |
High-card points |
LP |
Length points |
QT |
Quick tricks |
SP |
Suit points |
SQ |
Suit quality |
Short-suit points |
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