Searching for Trees with the Same Chromatic Symmetric Function


This code tests the conjecture that no two non-isomorphic trees have the same chromatic symmetric function.

Written by Keeler M. Russell, working with Dr. Jeremy L. Martin at the University of Kansas. You are free to use or modify any of the code in this project to your heart's desire.


Download the source tarball here. Alternatively, see the Github repository.

Compiling and Running

This code was developed for Linux, but should compile for any system with g++ and the POSIX thread API installed. These are typically installed by default on most Linux systems.

To compile, navigate to the code's directory in a terminal, then type:


This will compile all the code into an executable called main.

To run the code after it is compiled, type:

 ./main X Y

where both X and Y are positive integers. X should be the order of the trees you want the program to check, and Y should be the number of threads to use.

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